


Playwright Countdown to 10×10: Day 6, Marisa Smith

Marisa Smith (Playwright, Total Expression) Total Expression is a play about an American woman getting some very surprising advice from a young Russian model named Katerina. Total Expression was inspired by real events, in particular, [...]

By |February 10th, 2012|

Playwright Countdown to 10×10: Day 8, Jacqueline Goldfinger

Jacqueline Goldfinger (Playwright, Lannie’s Lament) Lannie’s Lament is a Southern Gothic tale about Little Lannie and her grandfather’s funeral. When Jacqueline was younger she can remember being at her grandfather’s funeral. Her mother took her to [...]

By |February 8th, 2012|

Playwright Countdown to 10×10: Day 10, Sara Cooper

Sara Cooper (Playwright, Things I Left On Long Island) Things I Left On Long Island is a play about three generations of women trying to find a deeper connection to each other and family. This play [...]

By |February 6th, 2012|

KidsAct! Summer 2013: Session 1

Summer Musical Theatre Camp! July 1-19, 2013 Awaken your child's imagination with a one-of-a-kind theatre camp. KidsAct! is an acting program for students ages 8-14 (in three age groups) designed to provide comprehensive performance training. [...]

By |January 24th, 2012|
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