We require everyone to follow these guidelines in accordance with our diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and accessibility values.

Barrington Stage Company is dedicated to the intentional cultivation and development of new works and diverse voices of playwrights and songwriters. We tell bold stories that make our audience think, reflect and want to take action. Before sending along any form of submission for our review, please visit our About BSC webpage and the last few years of our production history to see how your work may or may not align with our community, values and programming.

***Unsolicited scripts that do not follow the clearly outlined instructions below will not be considered.***


At this time, BSC only accepts full script submissions from established theatrical literary agents, which are reviewed as promptly as possible. Please have your literary agent send your script (with demo, if a musical) to BSC’s literary or artistic office.


If you are not a represented writer, you can submit a script sample through this form.

You will be required to submit:

  • a 15-page sample of your script
  • a link to where we can hear songs (if a musical)
  • a 50-word synopsis
  • a 200-word statement from the writers about how this work aligns with the work here at BSC.

Please note: While we review every sample sent in via this form, we only reach out to those whose work we would like to know more about. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.


We also frequently attend readings, workshops and productions scouting for new work. If you have a presentation you would like to invite us to, please email Anything else sent to this address that is not an invitation will not be considered.


For the first time, Mr. Finn’s Cabaret is opening up submissions beyond our network of artists, managers and agents. We are mainly looking for acts for the summer (Memorial Day to Labor Day) but are also looking at expanding our programming.

We are looking for acts that present all types of cabarets (which is very different from a concert in a small venue). We seek cabarets that:

  • Are 75-90 minutes in length
  • Have a small band and group of singers/performers of no more than 6 total
  • Have not presented extensively within an hour of Pittsfield
  • Align with the mission, vision and values of BSC.

If you have a Cabaret act you would like to pitch to BSC, please fill out this form.

At this time, BSC is not seeking any concert or touring band acts for programming on any of our stages.