Jacqueline Goldfinger (Playwright, Lannie’s Lament)

Lannie’s Lament is a Southern Gothic tale about Little Lannie and her grandfather’s funeral.

When Jacqueline was younger she can remember being at her grandfather’s funeral. Her mother took her to see the body before it was cremated and that made a lasting impression on her. She was “totally freaked out by his corpse – especially since it was decaying quickly in the Florida heat.”

Now that Jacqueline has her own daughter, she is brought back to that memory. She is now left to wonder what she is leaving behind for her daughter.

“I hope that Lannie’s Lament is a humorous and thoughtful take on what we all leave behind and what it means to the family that remains.”

Here is a quote from Jacqueline’s website that will give you a better idea of her unique style:

My work is inspired by the Southern Gothic style as portrayed in classic fiction – a style that heightens reality, gives epic importance to everyday situations, and embraces the macabre as a necessary, and instructive, part of life – yet transforms this literary style into an active and dramatic narrative for the stage. However, I also believe that it’s important to move beyond the plantation aesthetic that’s dominated Southern art for almost 150 years while maintaining a distinct and vibrant Southern identity.

You can follow Jacqueline on Twitter @jpgoldfinger or visit her website at www.jacquelinegoldfinger.com.

Click here to read more about 10×10 on North New Play Festival.