Mikhail Horowitz (Playwright, The Story)

The Story is an absurdist play about two men who are stuck in a cave, while telling a story about two men who are stuck in a cave.

When asked where the idea came from, Mikhail thought back to a rainy day last spring when he was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic for hours on end. He remembers “reciting half a dozen Shakespearean monologues, playing five innings of an imaginary game of baseball between the all-time Yankees and all-time Red Sox, and singing a few poems by canonized Western poets.” Only after all of that did he remember an old story from summer camp about two men sitting in a cave. After reciting it over and over, each time making it more ridiculous, he realized he had a play. It is also the reason that he is “now ensconced in a white room with rubber walls.”

Mikhail is a multi-talented individual who has written poetry, prose, drama and music. You can learn more at www.mikandgilles.com.

Click here to read more about 10×10 on North New Play Festival.