Caitlin Weisensee (Playwright, Another Cup of Coffee)

Another Cup of Coffee is about an older couple, one of which suffers from a degenerative brain disease, leaving the other with a very difficult decision.

The concept for the play was based on a two separate couples. The primary couple were the parents of a family friend. His mother suffered from dementia and his father was to old to care for her. That forced the son to move back in with his parents after 35 years of living alone. Over the years caring for them he had many stories, both funny and sad, that he had gathered. One of the things he really remembered was how he could watch his favorite movies over and over with his mother and she would watch like it was the first time.

Caitlin has been writing plays since middle school and with one exception and no matter what her plan is, they always revolve around a couple. One person shows endless patience while the other one pushes them to the breaking point. She finds that this creates some strong opportunities to create dark humor.

Caitlin was a box office intern last summer at Barrington Stage and worked with Mark St. Germain in developing her plays.

Click here to read more about 10×10 on North New Play Festival.