PMP has officially started! We have six groups: two in North Adams, two in Pittsfield, one in Lee and, and one court-mandated group. I wish I could be a Peer Mentor for every group!

PMP meetings are great because they use acting and improvisation in a safe, non-judgmental environment where everyone can talk about the issues they face. During our first two sessions, we had some serious discussions and also played some fun improvisation games, like when the entire group works together to tell an adventure story using one word per person.

During our third meeting, the students opened up and talked for almost an hour about what’s going on in their lives, and then we did some deeper theatrical improvisations on more serious topics. The students reported that they found it enlightening to act out circumstances from new perspectives. After they played the role of parents in a “sneaking out the window” scene, for example, there was a discussion about how they saw the situation from another point of view.

Meeting with Lee students gives me the opportunity to see through new eyes as well. They are immigrants who have new and exciting cultural perspectives to share. It’s fascinating to talk to young people from varying cultures about their societal norms and how they are working in conjunction with their new American lifestyle.

PMP offers opportunities for growth to all who participate: mentors, students, and audience. I can’t wait to start writing our scenes!

–Mallory Fehrensen, Education Intern