Chris Newbound (Playwright, Lunch with Amanda)

Lunch with Amanda follows two co-workers who were involved in an unfortunate accident at the company softball game.

When Chris was younger he actually worked in book publishing in New York City, much like the characters in the play. He met his wife playing softball with the company team.

He also remembered a story about his mother knocking out a nun while playing in her Catholic school league.  She was certain that God would punish her for this act!

He combined those two memories to create the circumstances of this new play.

Many of the other situations in the play are also pulled from real life including the girl asking Sam “what Harvard he went to” and getting caught on fire at a party.

Lunch with Amanda is part of a full-length play. Chris will have a reading of the full length version of Lunch with Amanda at New Stage Performing Arts Center on April 20 and 21. For more information go to

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