If you require a refund due to illness or cancellation of a performance, please contact the Box Office so we may accommodate you.
An exchange fee of $3.50 is applied when exchanging tickets and applies to all phone, fax, online and mail purchases.
If you lose your tickets or forget to bring them with you to the theatre, contact the Box Office at 413.236.8888 and we will replace them. These tickets will override the missing original tickets.
It is the responsibility of the patron to mention promotions when placing an order. Once a sale has been processed, no refunds or promotional discounts will be issued. Special discounts may not be used on Section C tickets or Low Priced Previews and may not be combined with any other offers. All discounts are subject to availability. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PATRON TO MENTION PROMOTIONS WHEN PLACING AN ORDER.
On select Wednesday night performances a 25% discount will be offered on Section A and B tickets at the Boyd–Quinson and the St. Germain Stage. All purchases must be made at the box office or over the phone. Limit two per patron per performance. You must show a valid form of ID or proof of residency at Will Call the night of the performance. This offer cannot be combined with any other discount. Subject to availability.
Latecomers are seated at the sole discretion of the House Manager. Performances start promptly. If you are not present at curtain time, your seat assignment may change or we may be unable to seat you, depending on the production.
Barrington Stage welcomes patrons ages 6 and older. As a courtesy to our guests, children under the age of 6 will not be permitted into any theatre except our Youth Theatre, where children ages 5 and older are welcomed for all performances. Regardless of age, everyone must have a ticket, sit in a seat and be able to sit quietly through the performance.
The Boyd-Quinson Stage and the St. Germain Stage is equipped with an assistive listening system for the hearing impaired throughout the house. An induction loop system is also installed in the front orchestra. Please select the T position on your hearing devices to access this service. Hearing devices are available at the Box Office on a first-come, first-served basis the night of the performance. Sorry, no reservations accepted in advance.
Our venues are wheelchair accessible. Please notify the Box Office if you require wheelchair seating when booking (48-hour advance notice greatly appreciated). Please note: the Boyd-Quinson stage theatre does not have an elevator. The mezzanine is accessible by two flights of stairs only.
Although animals are not permitted in the theatre, an exception is made for guide dogs and service animals. Please inform the Box Office if any accommodations are required.
We do not allow re-selling of tickets on our property which includes, but is not limited to, the lobby, the Boyd-Quinson Stage alley, the Blatt parking lot.
Re-selling of tickets is permitted off-property.
The Barrington Stage staff will not assist in the re-selling of tickets.