Ticket Levels:
- 20 Premier reserved seats at the Gala performance
- Special recognition as Gala sponsor at Gala
- Premium reserved parking for Gala and all 2024 shows
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
Funds a New Play or Musical
- 10 Premier reserved seats at the Gala performance
- Special recognition at Gala
- Premium reserved parking for Gala and all 2024 shows
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
Underwrites the Workshop of a New Play or Musical
- 8 reserved seats at the Gala performance
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
- 6 reserved seats at the Gala performance
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
Underwrites a Staged Reading of a New Play or Musical
- 4 reserved seats at the Gala performance
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
Provides Travel and Housing for Visiting Playwrights
- 2 reserved seat at the Gala performance
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
Provides Travel and Housing for Visiting Playwrights
- 1 reserved seat at the Gala performance
- Acknowledgment in the Gala Invitation and Program
1 reserved seat at the Gala performance
- Full page ad inside cover / back cover: $7500
- Full page ad (gold): $5000
- Full page ad (silver): $2500
- Full page ad (white): $1000
- 1/2 page ad: $500
- Business-sized ad: $250