Safety Protocols
Masks are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, but not required.
- We are no longer requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination, boosters, or negative COVID-19 test.
- The entire theatre, including seats, armrests, countertops and other high-touch surfaces, will be sanitized just prior to each performance using a combination of hi-tech electrostatic sprayers, disinfectant sprays and wipes.
- We have made major upgrades to our air ventilation system. We are now using MERV-13 filters that will be replaced monthly (normally we would be changing MERV-8 filters quarterly). Every night the entire theatre will have 100% of the air inside purged and swapped with 100% fresh air from outside. During performances, the ratio to fresh outside air to recirculated air will go from 20:80 to 50:50
- Seating will be assigned when the ticket is purchased and the changing of seats is not permissible because all seats in use have been sanitized and spaced in advance of the performance. Patrons will have access to the lobby bathrooms before, during and after the show.